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Leverage Power BI for service management and IOT device analytics



About the Client:

DLC is a leader in the transmission and distribution of electricenergy, offering superior customer service and reliability to morethan half a million customers in southwestern Pennsylvania.

DLC invests resources to ensure that its infrastructure – the wires,transformers, substations, poles and other equipment that makeup the company’s transmission and distribution system – meetscurrent and future electrical demands.


Energy, Utility, Electric

The Project Challenges:

Naturally handling the data volume of several 100,000 daily updates and spiking during weather or other relatedrequired that the data warehouse was architected to accommodate the rapid change. The challenging part of the application was that the previous version of these applications and reports lacked meaningful documentation or that post initial implementation the modifications left the initial documents irrelevant.

Our team relied on transaction log file analysis to get the likely source data and business logic edge cases.

Visvero's Solutions Approach:

Our task involved creating automated processes to create detailed access mapping and developing an external analyticsand dashboard application to track asset performance for each “tenant”. Having a detailed modern architecture willallow the company to create additional revenue opportunities.

Visvero designed and developed Call Center Analytics application to measure the effectiveness of the service operationsas well as track the source of various service calls on a device, substation and circuit level. Our task was to do the movethe data warehouse “lift and shift” from the SAP Business Objects and use the similar techniques developed dur ing theVariable Assets Projects to create a Microsoft, Azure, based data Warehouse. The current version of the application takesdevice data in Business Objects extracted in real-time to Microsoft DW powered Power BI Applications.

Overall Performance & Results:

Our team helped DLC develop critical analytics for:

  • Outage Management

  • Variable Assets Management

  • Customer Interaction Management

The Outage Management Analytics O&M application was developed to “lift and shift” the application to a modernplatform and use Microsoft Power Apps for the business and PUC (Public Utilities Commission) reports. The applicationhandles the workflow from the time an outage is reported to post remedial analytics.

The application involves completing over 52 analytical reports (out of which 31 have been completed). The reports provide device-level outage data by:

  • Substation

  • Circuit

  • Storm (Each storm is assigned an ID and PUC requires outage data after each storm)

Variable Assets Analytics program for utility companies that utilize and lease the assets such as poles, substations etc. toother companies e.g., electric utility may lease space on poles and towers to cellphone service providers. Th isdevelopment involved the convergence of VARASSET, ArcGIS, MAXIMO and Microsoft POWER APPS. The earlierapplications were built with pre-coded analytics capabilities and with little or no documentation about the data accessprocedures.

Sample Call Center Traffic Analytics project involves work on Traffic Analytical reports, development of a universal dataexchange layer using data virtualization, possible cloud migration, autonomous intelligent process automation.

Technologies Used:

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